The Week Ahead (5-9 March2018)

In our pursuit to making rights real, we bring to you our plans and activities for the week. This is done, in so that the public, media and our partners are always aware of our cases and advocacy activities. We hope that this is not only informative but encourages everyone to contribute towards our goal, which is making rights real.


5 March 2018

Today our Upington Office attended the #HousingIndaba Round Table Discussion organised by the South African Human Rights Commission. Amongst the issues discussed was the dire need for #housing in the Northern Cape province

To see pictures of this event visit our Facebook and Twitter page

The Gender Equality programme is supporting the Asijiki Coalition and Sex Workers Education and Advocacy task Force at the meeting of the multi-party women’s caucus at Parliament, where they will discuss the South Africa Law Reform Commission’s report on adult sex work. We want sex work to be decriminalized, urgently.


06 March 2018

The Gender Equality Programme will return to parliament in order to listen to the Police Portfolio Committee talk about crime statistics with the SAPS and StatsSA. We want to see disaggregated sexual offence stats, and reporting of domestic violence incidents.

You can catch some of the highlights by following #CrimeStats


08 March 2018

Our Land and Housing programme will be opposing a variation application of an order granted in 2016 in favour of our clients whose homes were unlawfully demolished. This variation application comes after the court has granted 2 orders, one of which was for emergency shelter to be erected and the second order being that of contempt of the former order.

For more details on this matter you can read this press statement:

The Gender Equality Programme will meet with the Love Not Hate Campaign to talk about the Hate Crimes Working Group and how we can collaborate this year.